YOU.CO.DE. Young Community Developers project, Italy-Palermo

Social DOers is partner in the “YOU.CO.DE. Young Community Developers” project, coordinated by CEIPES-Italy, funded by Erasmus Plus Programme under the KA1 – Mobility of learners and staff.

The specific objectives of the project are:

– sharing a common understanding of youth participation, European active citizenship and youth-led projects for community development, focusing on a gender sensitive approach and use of different media.

– increasing the knowledge of best practices on how to develop successful youth-led projects for the community development around Europe and foster the skills of youth organizations and informal groups;

– creating a network of organizations that will cooperate in a long term prospective on this topic becoming a resource for the other organizations all over Europe.

It is a 8 months long project, made of two mobilities for youth workers, an International Seminar and a Training Course.

The international Seminar, to be held in Palermo from the 24th to the 20th of December 2015, has the main aim of starting a virtuous process to develop the skills of European organizations in the field of youth-led project management in the community development field for the creation of a strong network of youth organizations and young leaders that will cooperate in a long term perspective becoming a resource also for the other organizations all over Europe who wants to grow in this field.

This international meeting will involve 36 youth workers/trainers/leaders/key staff members, from 12 partner organizations, who will share detailed information about the support to or implementation of youth-led projects for the development of their communities. Eleven countries will be involved in order to cover a huge part of European Union programme countries and to share very diversified perspective and work methods. The participants will also meet local organizations from Sicily for a “sharing best practices” day and field visits to some local projects in the city of Palermo.

Practices and tools shared by the participants will be gathered in an interactive toolkit which will be used in the second activity (training course) and will be shared through Salto Youth Platform and other on-line channels.

Social DOers will be represented in the seminar in Palermo by Ioana SURUBARU and Alexandra CALARASU, we wish them lots of inspiration and great new project ideas! 🙂