Thursday, February 6, 2025

Veronica STEFAN, President & Co-Founder

Veronica is a professional focused on policy and communities development in areas related to: education, social inclusion, digital transformation, and innovation, in both national and international contexts.

She has been working with various stakeholders at national and international level for more than 10 years and has an extensive experience in management of non-profits, youth campaigns, developing coalitions & communities as well as in contributing to specific legislation & public policies development (mostly connected with education, non-formal learning, human rights, youth work, labour market and digital sector).

As former President of the Romanian Youth Council, she’s been working in order to represent young people’s needs and develop youth policy, both nationally, towards public institutions and at a European level, together with platforms such as the European Youth Forum (YFJ), towards public institutions like the European Commission, Council of Europe, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, European Economic and Social Council, Asia-Europe Foundation, UNICEF etc.

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Corina PÎRVULESCU, Vice-President & Co-Founder

Corina is a young professional interested in models of youth public participation and civic engagement, having a broad experience in youth programmes and projects with an impact at policy level.

She has been involved in youth sector at local, national and international level, activating for more than 10 years. Main themes addressed in her activity are related to youth work development, transnational cooperation in youth affairs, non-formal education and youth employment.

In her activity, Corina has worked with Romania Youth Council and interacted with a range of institutions such as Organisation for Security and Economic Cooperation – OSCE, UNICEF Romania, IOM Romania, Information Bureau of European Parliament in Bucharest, Ministry of Youth and Sports as well as with a large variety of NGOs and youth networks at national and international level.

With #SocialDOers, Corina focuses on youth participation in sustainable community development, participatory democracy and role of youth work/youth NGOs in contributing to peace and conflict resolution.

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Roxana RUSU, Thematic Coordinator Social Inclusion

Roxana is a commited & proactive person who is eager to contribute to various social initiaitves.

Interested in psychology, education and social change, in the last few years she was involved in various activities adressing societal issues.

She studied Psychology and is on her way to become a psychotherapist in Resources and Solution Oriented Therapies. Roxana has been activating in various projects, directly working with children and young people, while also coordinating bigger initiaitves, like the Centre for Education and Community Support.

With Social DOers, Roxana wants to contribute to a better society, by developing initiatives aimed at empowering communitites and promoting youth participation in community life – especially in the decision-making process. Her main objective is to have a role in improving the quallity of life of different social groups, especially young people in vulnerable situations.

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Andrei PARASCHIV, Information & Technology Coordinator

Andrei is a passionate programmer and IT developer, dedicating his time both to non-profit and for-profit initiatives.

He discovered his passion for technology and computers at the age of 13 and ever since has invested his time and efforts​ in developing various ​initiatives in this field.

At the age of 18 Andrei started his fir​st online business and until today he’s been developing a wide variety of​ projects, from web hosting, gaming to web programming.

Andrei’s expertise ranges from working with programming language like PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery or Ajax to databases such as​ MySQL and SQL.

In 2007 Andrei started working with the non-profit sector, thus, combining his passion for technology with that​ of investing in communities, through local, national and European projects.

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