Training workshop on combating antigypsyism through education_ddl 16.03.2015

When: 20 – 24 April 2015
Where: European Youth Centre Strasbourg, France
Deadline for submitting applications: 16 March 2015
 The training workshop aims to develop young educators’ competences to address issues related to antigypsyism through educational activities with young people and, by doing so, associating them to the wider use of the toolkit.

Profile of participants

The training workshop is designed for participants who preferably, but not exclusively: 4

 Have some experience in developing and running educational activities with young people

 Are active in Roma communities and have some experience in working with Roma communities and/or Roma youth, particularly on topics related to anti-discrimination work and human rights

 Are motivated, ready and supported by their organisation in developing and running follow-up educational activities with young people on combating antigypsyism

 Are supported by an organisation/institution/informal group for their participation in the workshop

 Are aged 18 – 30 (exceptions are possible)

 Are committed to attend for the full duration of the workshop

 Are able to work in English

 Reside in a member state of the European Cultural Convention2 of the Council of Europe.

The objectives of this training workshop are:

  • To explore the concept of antigypsyism, its manifestations today and identify educational responses
  • To increase the competences of 20 educators to run initiatives and activities with young people on combating antigypsyism, within a human rights education framework
  • To stimulate participants and their respective organisations and networks to use and disseminate the Toolkit on combating antigypsyism
  • To support exchange of practices and networking among participants
  • To identify further support measures and actions within the framework of the Roma Youth Action Plan for combating antigypsyism.

The Roma Youth Action Plan

The youth sector of the Council of Europe has associated young Roma to its policy and work for intercultural dialogue and human rights education since 1995, when a ground-breaking training course for Roma youth leaders was held at the European Youth Centre in Strasbourg. As a result of the “All Different – All Equal” European youth campaign against racism, antisemitism, xenophobia and intolerance, the Council of Europe supported the development of Roma youth networks across Europe. In addition to denouncing situations of discrimination and antigypsyism, the youth policy of the Council of Europe supports the involvement of Roma young people in youth policy and all matters that concern them. The participation of young Roma plays an essential role in the transformation of the status and challenges faced by Roma communities across Europe.

Initiated in 2011, the Roma Youth Action Plan1 is a response of the Council of Europe to the challenges faced by Roma young people in Europe, particularly in relation to their empowerment, participation in policy decision-making processes and structures at European level and multiple realities of discrimination. The action plan includes activities of the Youth Department and of other sectors of the Council of Europe, as well as activities by other partners – intergovernmental and non-governmental – cooperating with the Council of Europe and interested in securing a maximum of impact of their activities by avoiding double work and creating synergies.

Apply here: