Social DOers selecteaza 5 participanti care sa participe in cadrul evenimentului “CO4CA Communication for Community Action” in Odemis-Turcia (in apropiere de Izmir), in perioada 15-26 iunie (10 zile de activitati si 2 zile de calatorie).
Evenimentul va include participanti din tarile: Romania, Ungaria, Grecia, Polonia, Italia si Turcia.
Criterii de participare:
- varsta cuprinsa intre 18 si 30 ani
- preocupare pentru temele de participare, implicare civica si implicare in comunitate
- interes pentru a implementa proiecte la nivel local/in comunitatea din care provii, dedicate tinerilor
- disponibilitatea de a participa pe tot parcursul evenimentului (toate costurile de cazare si masa fiind suportate de organziatori, fara taxa de participare)
- posibilitatea de a cumpara propriul bilet de avion in avans (organziatorii vor deconta in numerar toate costurile de deplasare in limita a 170 euro/participant, in timpul evenimentului)
Cei interesati pot aplica prin completarea formularului:
Proiectul este finantat prin programul Erasmus+.
Mai multe despre proiect:
The main aim of the project is to bring a change to local communities through the realization of projects coming from the initiative of youngsters, who will use social media as main tools.
Specific objectives:
• To involve youngsters through peer-to-peer, non-formal education and learning by doing methodologies, fostering their capacity to cooperate and to work in a multicultural environment.
• To empower and motivate young women and men, make them aware of their strengths and supporting them in making changes within their neighborhood or town.
• To involve youth in planning and implementing a communication campaign that can bring a change in the society;
The program of the event is planned to give the participants the necessary tools to develop their competences in analyzing the needs of the community and to create a social campaign that can contribute to bring a change in the neighborhood. All the activities will be based on non-formal methods and focused on active participation: the participants will be invite to actively experiment alternative behaviors and gain their own awareness of active citizenship: this way they will be able to act as multipliers of these principles and actions in their territories.
Art, dances, visits, role plays and team works will be used on order to take into consideration all the learning needs and approaches of the participants and give them the chance to express themselves in different ways. Most of the workshops will see the involvement of the local community at different levels and referring to different generations: children, adults and older people.