Thursday, February 6, 2025

EU elections 2019: SpeakUP for Europe – getting real about what really matters!

SpeakUP for Europe brought face to face young voters and MEP candidates, debating exclusively on youth related issues and encouraging young people to cats their vote in the European Elections 2019.

Initiated by Social DOers and funded by the European Parliament, the campaign SpeakUP for Europe was implemented from January to June 20109 and aimed at informing, educating and mobilising young people to vote during EU elections.


With a previous youth turnout of 28% in 2014 European election and a Brexit vote in 2016, the European elections 2019 were of crucial importance for the future of the European Union. It was essential that young people have access to unbiased information on what is the European Union, how it impacts their every day life, how they can influence decisions at European level and what are the benefits of European citizenship.


In the framework of SpeakUP for Europe, the following actions were implemented:

-creating a community of 10 young multipliers and empowering them to reach out to their peers to carry informative actions related to the EU elections;

-organise local actions led by young multipliers in high-schools, public spaces, universities etc. where they would inform and engage directly with their peers;

-direct debates between young voters and MEP candidates from all parties, on youth related issues. The debates were live streamed on social media and organised in:

  • Cluj Napoca – 17th of April
  • Timisoara – 22nd of April
  • Bucharest – 14th May

In addition, Social DOers in partnership with The Good Lobby organised citizens´ lobby workshops and offer young people the tools and knowledge to follow up after their votes and influence policies.

On the elections night, a civic party was organised in partnership with Funky Citizens and Expirat Club, where young people could join only based on their voter stick. The party was organised to celebrate democracy, encourage young voters to cast their votes also in next elections and watch live the results of EP elections 2019.


  • 317 young people were directly engaged in activities;
  • 18 MEP candidates attending the debates with young voters;
  • 139.760 young people reached on social media

The project was implemented with the support of European Parliament Liaison Office in Bucharest

Other partners: Funky Citizens, Federatia Tinerilor din Cluj, Fundatia Judeteana pentru Tineret Timis.

Training Course_Digital Security in Youth Work

Social DOers selectează 2 persoane (18 ani+, fără limită de vârstă) pentru participarea la un training despre utilizare noilor tehnologii si impacul acestora asupra tinerilor.

Aplică aici:

Perioada evenimentului: 20-27 ianuarie 2020
Locația: Polonia, orașul Wroclaw – programul include o zi liberă în Wroclaw (
Detalii logistice: organizatorii asigura cazare si masa, deconteaza transportul (maxim 240 euro)
Mai multe despre Training și InfoPack: DSYW InfoPack

Training international_participarea tinerilor la alegerile pentru Parlamentul European, 8 – 14 februarie, Portugalia

Social DOers in parteneriat cu DYPALL – reteaua Europeana pentru promovarea participarii tinerilor, implementeaza proiectul ´Youth Democracy Academy´ in perioada Noiembrie 2018 – August 2019. Proiectul isi propune informarea si incurajarea tinerilor pentru a participa la alegerile Europarlamentare din 26 Mai 2019.

Tineri din 12 tari Europene sunt asteptati in Portimao (Portugalia) in perioada 8 – 14 februarie 2019 pentru a lua parte la trainingul international pentru multiplicatori. Acestia vor dobandi cunostinte si skill-uri privind participarea tinerilor la alegerile pentru Parlamentul European si vor fi incurajati sa dezvolte propriile initiative in acest sens.

Social DOers selecteaza 1 persoana pentru a completa delegatia din Romania! Daca ai intre 18 – 22 ani si esti interesat sa faci vocea tinerilor auzita la alegerile pentru Parlamentul European, te asteptam alaturi de noi sa te implici! Vei avea oportunitatea sa:

  • participi la un training international pe tema democratiei participative si implicarea activa a tinerilor;
  • afli mai multe despre cum functioneaza Parlamentul European, ce teme de interes pentru tineri promoveaza Uniunea Europeana;
  • cum sa promovezi participarea la vot in randul prietenilor si colegilor tai, dar si in cadrul evenimentelor la scara larga;
  • faci parte din echipa unui proiect international si participi la viitoare activitati pe parcursul anului 2019;
  • faci parte dintr-o retea mai larga de multiplicatori nationali, sa initiezi si dezvolti activitati locale  de informare (cu sprijinul Social DOers) si sa participi la evenimente la scara larga, in Romania, in perioada martie – iunie 2019.

Cazarea si masa sunt asigurate de organizatori pe tot parcursul evenimentului. Costurile de transport international sunt rambursate in limita a 530 euro.

Cei interesati sunt rugati sa completeze pana la data de 11 ianuarie 2019 formularul on-line disponibile aici:

Open call for participants: Youth Democracy Academy_DDL 1 NOV

Social DOers in parteneriat cu DYPALL – reteaua Europeana pentru promovarea participarii tinerilor, implementeaza proiectul ´Youth Democracy Academy´ in perioada Noiembrie 2018 – August 2019. Proiectul isi propune informarea si incurajarea tinerilor pentru a participa la alegerile Europarlamentare din Mai 2019.

Tineri din 12 tari Europene sunt asteptati in Portimao (Portugalia) in perioada 20 – 25 noiembrie pentru a lucra impreuna la dezvoltarea unei campanii pentru participarea la vot a tinerilor. Acestia vor fi, ulterior, incurajati sa participe si la alte activitati nationale si internationale in cadrul aceluiasi proiect.

Social DOers selecteaza 2 tineri din Romania cu varsta 18-20 ani care sunt interesati sa participle la aceasta initiativa si, de preferat, care sunt interesati sa ramana in contact cu noi in lunile urmatoare pentru a dezvolta activitati pe teme similare si in Romania.

Cei interesati sunt rugati sa completeze formularul acesta: pana la data de 1 Noiembrie 2018. Participantii selectati vor fi anuntati a doua zi.

Detalii organizatorice:

Costurile de transport, cazare si masa sunt in totalitate acoperite de organizatori.

Transportul international este rambursat pana la 530 euro/ participant. Cel mai apropiat aeroport este cel din Faro (Portugalia). Tinerii selectati vor primi informatii cu privire la transportul Faro – Portimao.

Cazarea si masa sunt organízate direct in Portimao, participantii nefiind nevoiti sa avanseze niciun cost.

Pentru oricare alte intrebari, ne puteti scrie direct la [email protected]

Social DOers at Connecting the Dots Symposium, Tallin-Estonia 2018

During 26th and 28th of June 2018, Social DOers team was happy to join Connecting the Dots Symposium: Young People, Social Inclusion and Digitalisation, organised by the EU-CoE youth partnership.

The Symposium offered us the opportunity to deliver one of the guest speeches on “Building Resilience in the Digital Age” – literally connecting the dots between the opportunities brought by new technologies and the situation of young people in NEET situations. Moreover, highlighted the interest of the European NEET Coalition in investing more resources in gathering best practices concerning digital tools that support the social and economic development of young people in NEET situations or in risk situations, as well as to extend our interest in working with other partners and stakeholders in developing joint projects that prepare the youngest generation for our digital future.

The full presentation delivered by our President & co-founder, Veronica STEFAN can be found here:

The Symposium brought together more than 100 policy makers, researchers, practitioners from youth NGOs and youth work, as well as actors from the digital field, particularly looking at how digitalisation affects young people’s lives, and what the role of youth policy, youth work and youth research can be in this respect.

The Symposium also marked the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the EU-CoE youth partnership, a structure that successfully supports developments in the youth sector and generates necessary knowledge in the field.

More info about the event here: