Training-GENDERED, Franta 30 oct – 7 noi 2016

Social DOers selecteaza 2 participanti interesati de abordarea de gen si egalitate de sanse in proiectele de/pentru tineret!
Asteptam aplicatiile voastre pana pe 25 septembrie prin completarea fomularului:!

The overall aim of the TC is to provide our organisations a framework to engage ourselves in a global reflection on gender equality within our (local) context.

The objectives of the long term TC are the following:
▪ To question one’s professional practices – in terms of project methodology and management – through the gender lenses;
▪ To identify key areas from one’s organisation or methodology to be gender-mainstreamed and/or specific topics to be developed in order to achieve gender equality;
▪ To develop a 6-month strategy and implement a practical project within one’s organisation and/or community;
▪ To share visions and experiences among professionals and activists from various backgrounds (in terms of origins, areas of specialisation, working methods, etc.);
▪ To design common methodologies and tools;
▪ To contribute to the development of a “culture of gender equality” among youth organisations.

The objectives of the training in 30 October – 7 November are:
▪ To gather organisations from a broad range of backgrounds, leading social and civic actions towards a great variety of publics;
▪ To explore together the topic of gender-mainstreaming ;
▪ To nurture oneself from practical experiences, sharing of professional and personal practices as well as theoretical inputs;
▪ To deconstruct stereotypes, prejudices and gender-based representations.

The training course will be based on the principles of active participation, non formal education and experiential learning.
Pedagogical methods will include: personal reflection, Theatre of the Oppressed techniques such as games, image-theatre and forum-theatre, sharing from the materials brought by the participants, critical analysis of the media, case studies and working groups.