Young people have a say in the evaluation of EU Youth Strategy (interim 2010-2014)

Are you between the age of 15 and 30? Tell us what you think!

Can you help by filling in the survey questions?

We want to know if you’ve heard of the EU Youth Strategy 2010-2018, what you think about it, and what your ideas are that would make it better for young people.

The survey will only take 15 minutes of your time to complete. We are asking hundreds of young Europeans (aged 15-30) about this so this is your chance to make your voice heard!

Find the Survey HERE!

Please make sure you complete the survey by the 16th of August.

Thank you very much for your help!

The survey is realised by ICF International on behalf of the European Commission
ICF International, is a consultancy which has been asked by the European Commission to evaluate the EU Youth Strategy for the period 2010-2014. If you need any further information, please contact [email protected]