Social DOers selecteaza 3 participanti la Seminarul International “Treed Life-young people in third sector”, 12-18 martie, Enna (Sicilia). 

Va invitam sa cititi descrierea proiectului de mai jos si sa ne transmiteti aplicatia la adresa de e-mail [email protected], pana la data de 13 februarie – (scrisoare de intentie in limba engleza-maxim 1 pg A4, explicand pe scurt motivatia si experienta relevanta pentru aceasta initiativa)!

In the scenario where NGOs and Cooperative enterprises are growing, the third sector is the new work field for young people with competences in project management, non formal education, international cooperation and community development.erasmus_logo

“Treed Life” will be a seminar with experts and young people from different organizations in order to reflect about what is the third sector, what are the needs and which are the tools useful to analyze it and develop it. The main objective is to foster the quality in the youth organizations. Among the topics we will tackle the needs, the law (what exists, what is missing), and economic tools of organizations belonging to the third sector, in particular the ones working in the youth filed. The aims are to provide tools to analyze and clarify and means to work in this field and how many different kind of job profiles are in that.

We will produce a video to disseminate the project and a final document where we will collect the basic lines about the link between third sector and law, economy, group dynamics, need analysis and work tools in an intercultural and inclusive framework. The seminar will be concluded with workshops aimed at defining possible future cooperations and trainings fostering a strong follow-up of the project itself, in every topic tickled during the seminar.

The aim is to start a virtuous process to professionalize and develop the youth organizations of the third sector and to create a network of organizations that will cooperate in a long term prospective on this topic, becoming a resource also for the other organizations all over Europe who want to grow in this field.

When and Where?

Social DOers, under the coordination of Giosef Italy association, promotes this European seminar of 7 days (with travel days) in Enna (Sicily) from 12th March to the 18th of March 2015 named “Treed Life” in cooperation with Hungary, Romania, Turkey, Portugal, Spain and Poland involving 6 people from each Country for a total number of 50 people including staff and facilitators.

The accommodation costs are covered by the project, the travel costs are reimbursed up to 275 euros/ participant – for more information please visit the project web page: