The Situation of #YouthNow – Statistics and figures highlighting the situation of young people around the world.

The Office of the Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth presents this overview highlighting the situation of young people around the world. This overview is the result of the information and statistics gathered to inform the discussion about the situation of young people during the campaign #YouthNow. The information provided in this section was made available with the support of our partners: UNDESA, UNAIDS, UNAOC, UNCDF, UNDP, UNEP, UNESCO, UNFCCC, UNFPA, UNICEF, UNIDO, UN-HABITAT, UNHCR, OCHA, UNODC, UN WOMEN, UNWTO, FAO, ILO, IOM, ITU, WFP, WHO, Office of the SRSG on Violence Against Children, and the UN Peace Building Support Office.

The infographics were produced for the #YouthNow campaign as part of the commemoration of the 20th Anniversary World Programme of Action for Youth which was launched by the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. The campaign was coordinated by the Office of the Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth and the UN Department of Social and Economic Affairs, and with the support of the Office of the President of the UN General Assembly.

– Approximately 238 million youth live in extreme poverty with less than $1 a day.
– More than 500 million youth aged 15-24 live on less than $2 a day.
– 2 out of 3 countries do not consult young people as a part of the process of preparing poverty reduction strategies or national development plans.
– WFP estimates that around 60% of the world’s chronically hungry people are women and girls.

Read the full findings here!