Global Forum on Youth, Peace and Security

The Forum is envisaged as a turning point towards a new international agenda on youth, peace and security. Stemming from the thematic debate organized by the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan during its presidency of the Security Council in April 2015, it will build on on-going efforts by a multiplicity of actors to decisively step-up global attention to young people’s contribution to peace and chart a common agenda. For the first gathering of this kind, young people, youth-led organizations, non-governmental organizations, governments and UN entities will come together to agree on a common vision and roadmap to partner with young people in preventing conflict, countering violent extremism and building lasting peace.

Key Themes and Panel

The Forum will engage participants in conversations on key policy recommendations towards a new international agenda on youth, peace and security which will be captured in a final Declaration. This forum will provide a platform for exchange of experiences, innovative ideas and programmatic frameworks that work. and best programmatic practices. Key topics will include:

Putting Young People at the Centre
  • Young people’s participation: an untapped resource for political stability and economic prosperity
  • Young people’s resilience: stories from conflict-affected zones
  • Youth leadership, engagement and organizing
  • Young women shaping peace
Speech and Counter Speech
  • Religion/inter-religious speech and counter speech
  • The role of young people in countering violent extremism
  • Media and Communication
The Role of State and the International Community
  • Investing in youth capacities for peace and stability
  • Post-conflict planning and financing
  • Governance and participation

The driving principle for the full duration of this Forum will be to create the space for meaningful intergenerational dialogue: it will create the conditions for common understanding and respect between generations and increase dialogue and cooperation between young people and adults to work together to prevent and resolve violence, extremism and conflict locally, regionally and internationally.

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