This Eurydice Brief provides a summary of the joint Eurydice/Cedefop report Tackling Early Leaving from Education and Training in Europe: Strategies, Policies and Measures, which has a focus on general education at school level. This Brief focuses on the areas within general education on which policy-makers can have the most direct influence. Short case studies provide examples of comprehensive, evidence-based policies to combat early leaving and support student learning.
Research shows that leaving education early leads to reduced opportunities in the labour market and an increased likelihood of unemployment, socio-economic disadvantage, health problems, as well as reduced participation in political, social and cultural activities. Furthermore, these negative consequences have an impact on the offspring of early leavers and thus the problem may be perpetuated.
One of the main areas that can be addressed by policy-makers to prevent or reduce the occurrence of early leaving from education and training is to implement effective data collection and monitoring.
Read the full study here!