Youth Organisations’ voice in the evaluation of the EU Youth Strategy (2010-2014)

Early this year the European Commission launched an interim evaluation of the implementation of the “EU Youth Strategy” for the period 2010-2014. In the context of this evaluation, ICF International is running a survey amongst youth organisations across the EU in order to collect their views on the “EU Youth Strategy”.

The data collected will feed into the evaluation which will be used by the European Commission for its reflections on how it can improve cooperation at EU level on youth issues over the period 2016-2018 and beyond.
The quality of the evaluation depends on the breadth and depth of data collected from a variety of stakeholders across the EU. Your effort, together with hundreds of other youth organisations across the EU, will contribute to this.

It will take approximatively 20 minutes to complete the survey and responses will be anonymised. Please respond by the 16th of August.

The final report of the evaluation should be published early 2016 on:

Find the SURVEY here:


The survey is realised by ICF International on behalf of the European Commission.
ICF International, is a consultancy which has been asked by the European Commission to evaluate the EU Youth Strategy for the period 2010-2014. If you need any further information, please contact [email protected]